Quality Project Construction
2014-04-22 18:57   审核人:
Quality Project Construction

In recent years, WNU has greatly promoted the Four Projects, “University for Top Talents”, “Qualified University”, “Quality Expansion” and “Harmonious Campus”, on the basis of concept, “The talent education is the basic goal of the university and the teaching work is the lifeline of the university”. Therefore, WNU has greatly invested for education, optimized the professional institutes, reinforced the teaching management, furthered the teaching reform, and promoted the scale, construction, quality and benefits to develop coordinately. By exploration of the potentiality, development of characteristics, exploitation of advantages, exploration of more excellent teaching resources, WNU has got a distinctive achievements in quality projects, including having been rewarded 19 items state-level or provincial-level quality projects, one base for state-level specialty construction, 2 provincial teaching teams, 2 provincial demonstration centers of experimental teaching and 7 provincial selective courses. Additionally, it has established characteristic specialties, 6 teaching teams, 51 selective courses, 100 qualified courses in WNU. Those achievements have greatly promoted the teaching quality in the whole.
